
Showing posts from March, 2018

My Journey with Anxiety (The Beginning of it and the Conquering)

When I was young ( around 2nd grade ) I started having really bad anxiety. It really all started when I saw part of a murder mystery that was on television. There was a remake scene of someone's death. It scared me soooo much, then again, I was only in 2nd grade. I wasn't as exposed to those type things.  - Death wasn't something I thought about at such a young age until I watched that show. It opened my eyes a little ( a little to much that is ) to the world around me. There are bad people in the world and there is such a thing called death. Nobody can cheat it. We are all gonna die eventually unless Jesus comes down to take us to Heaven. That scared me. I hated the thought of losing my family, or dying of a disease, or just disease and sickness and harm attacking those I love.  - After watching that show, it was really the starting point of my anxiety. I worried about everything. I always thought I was dying or that I had a terrible, deadly sickness or somet...

The Liebster Award

   ---------THE LIEBSTER AWARD--------- Hey everyone!!! I just wanted to say thanks so much to  Audrey Caylin  for nominating me to do this challenge! This is so fun! I will follow the rules and see how it goes!!  The rules:  - Thank the person who nominated you.  - Answer the 11 questions they gave you. - Name 11 facts about yourself. - Nominate 11 bloggers to do this tag, and let them know. (I don't even know if I know 11 bloggers who haven't done this. We'll see.)  - Give them 11 questions to answer.  The questions: -What's one thing you've always wanted to try but never have? Umm....I've always wanted to try writing a whole story. Beginning to end! lol. Still working on that.  -Team Cap or Team Iron Man? Gonna have to go with Team Cap!!  -What's your favorite word? I honestly don't know. I say a lot of phrases but I don't know if I have a favorite 'word' so to say.  -If it could only be one season for ...