for KING AND COUNTRY, and Beauty Boys and Ballgowns book reviewwww!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!! (you imagine the song in your head) 

Christmas is here once again... I know this week for my family personally will be filled with cookie baking, Christmas movie watchin',and driving around neighborhoods watching a spectacular array (depending on the house) of lights glisten.. But today's blog topic is December faves! 

Before I continue on with talking, I want to introduce myself... Hi, I'm Red!  I'm a teenage girl who has red hair (if you didn't guess already), and I LOVE Jesus Christ! I also love to spend my time at the piano where I practice my given piano pieces for the week or just playing by ear! I aspire to write Christian fantasy/romance novels for many teenage and young adult girls like me that still fill your romance, drama, action, and just all around fairy tale genre but with a Christ-like base and with Christ-like morals.. I hope you will embark on this journey with me on this blog, and my upcoming YouTube channel ( That girl called Red ) as I travel through life... On this blog you will be seeing updates on my life, thoughts I have, topics I would like to discuss, and maybe even reviews.. 

-OK, so first, I would like to say that I have discovered the band 'for KING AND COUNTRY' and they are awesomeee!!!  One of their songs I have been listening to on repeat is 'O Come O Come Emmanuel!' The instruments used in the song and the way they sing is just amazing! It's so upbeat and so alive... I absolutely love it!! Even though it's a 'Christmas song' I could totally listen to it all year! And what I also love about for KING AND COUNTRY is how cool and just awesome Luke and Joel Smallbone are... They are both good Christian guys who care a lot about their fans. I've been reading the book 'Beauty, Boys, and Ballgowns' (which I will discuss next) and in it Joel says they want all girls to know that they are worth it, priceless, and beautiful! Now that my friends, are guys with good character! If you haven't heard them sing GO CHECK THEM OUT NOW!! YOUR EARS WILL FOREVER LOVE YOU! 

-Now onto to 'Beauty, Boys, and Ballgowns.' I just want to first say that this book has helped put so many things into perspective! It's has topics on true beauty, worth, boys, praying for your future prince, finding our true identity in Christ (which is something I'm still trying to do) , and so much more!! We are all royalty if we are saved through Jesus Christ! Which means... I'm a princess! A true dream! It's really helping me grow with Christ.. The book has like given me a fire to start living like a true princess for Christ and is helping me find my true identity in Him! The writers have such a great writing style and is easy to understand! I wanna go pick up Livy's new book called The Coronation now! LOl! But yeah, I love the book and the quizes inside them! It is so relatable to us teen girls still trying to find ourselves in this world and finding ourselves in Christ! I totally recommend this book to any girl! It's truly amazing! 

So, yeah! There are my reviews on those two! :) I love both and totally recommend to go check out both!! 

Gotta fly,


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